Thursday, October 25, 2018


Wind on the water
Ripples on the stream
The tsunami has calmed after the stormy sea
Now your soul is light and free

It's like wind on the water
Waves on the ocean
Beautiful storm flows to the east
A bit of time will bring the peace


It starts with birth and ends in death
In between lies the rest
Money, distance and dynamics
Can make it difficult when it was time
For me to show you I loved you and cared


The loss of a love is devastating
Life's twist and turns - captivating
Eventually here comes the peace
Reminds me of ripples on a stream

Never one to let a friend or stranger
Struggle alone through their hard times
Working on cars - devoted husband
Beautiful blue eyes - soul is so kind


It's like wind on the water

In order to forgive anyone else
I've got to forgive myself
It's like wind on the water


From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

Dedicated to my Uncle Max Brown
from Michigan
He was an amazing man
Fly high Max!
You're like wind on the water 


I'm a sinner - I'm not saint
Sometimes I give the love
Sometimes I still hate
But sometimes the love just isn't enough

I've worked so hard on this night
But you just sit there with a grimace on your face
Get the fuck up - stop being a dick
Your behavior is a wicked disgrace

I've done so much for you
yet (and) you still complain
selective memory
Focus only on my (the) mistakes
I've given up on you having basic logic
Get out of my life
(You must go away)
You're just plain toxic
(You are so toxic)
If we are to be together then you must change this
And if not
I invite you to not be a part of my life anymore
Ever ever ever ever
(We can no longer be together because
You will not change
And I insist you no longer be a part of my life anymore
Ever ever ever ever)


After all of these years nothing really has changed
Except the bodies are older
Together we cannot drink
Your fake crazy kindness once had me blinded
But your cunty attitude never fails to shine through

I should of learned years ago
Being nice doesn't pay
Making things better always blows up in my face
Go ahead - drown in your crazy misery
It's about fucking time I concentrate on me


I never did anything for you - you said to me
I know you did - always grateful, I will be
But on a scale - let's measure this
The years of misery you caused
Far outweighs this

On that fateful night - I finally snapped
The truth came out - I screamed and cried
I regret the intensity of my presentation
But at least I didn't lie

I'll forgive but I'll never forget

After all this time nothing really has changed
Except we are broken and that is okay
Not gonna spend the rest of my life
Letting you suck my soul dry

Now it's all ruined and i don't care anymore
Maybe we'll get it right in the afterlife
But I'm still in my body with my intact logic
I am so done with people who are toxic

You're a cunt - I'm a cunt
Everybody cunts cunts

I'm a sinner - I'm no saint
Sometimes i give the love
Sometimes I still hate
But sometimes the love just isn't enough

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


In mid August I should die
Yes indeed - I almost tried
I took on all of your pain and drama
It damaged my body - my soul
I won't do it anymore
The love will never die but now it's all about my life

(chorus 1)
The vicissitude runs rampant through
These old walls
I've always been too quick to forgive
Never seem to get that in return


One single late night was the kicker
Slightly more than just a bicker
You can all complain to me
But I can't complain - hypocrisy

I pretend to be so tough
But finally I told myself
Enough is enough

One day I'll see your corpse and I'll ask why
But I'm too stubborn to just give up and die
I guess I just want a simple life
I keep tryin'
I just want a happy life before I am dyin'

(chorus 1-2)
The vicissitude runs rampant through
These old walls
I've always been too quick to forgive
Never seem to get that in return

The vicissitude of daily life has gotten to me
Should I take my own life
I just want to be free


I need help to fix my crazy
My negativity
But not the kind of help you suggest
Take your own fucking advice, hun

I'm so tired of being angry
I'm tired of being angry
I'm tired

What about my peace - what about my peace
You claim I'm a monster when I speak the truth
The truth you can't handle and deny
Yes - I am angry

(chorus 1-2)

I ain't gonna kill myself
I'm too stubborn for that
That'd give you too much satisfaction
For decades - you used me for all of your
Physical and emotional needs
But when ever I would act out or be emotional
The world would come to an end
Because I upset your peace
They don't know they're doing it - they can't help it
That excuse is wearing paper thin with me
Yes, I'm still angry

(chorus 1-2)

In mid August I wanted to die
Yes indeed I cried and cried

My grandmother once told me
I love them but I don't like them
My grandmother once told me
You can love them but you don't have to like them
I understand now
Still makes me sad

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm


Your approval would be liberating
But it's not necessary

My goal in life is not to seek approval
Your goal in life should be - just do you

Don't waste your time on pleasing the masses
Emphatically tell them to kiss your asses
I don't need your approval

Your approval would be liberating
But your acceptance is not necessary
Your warnings - they have been heeded
But your approval is not needed
I don't need your approval


Elders still tell me what to do
But I'll just do it anyway
Elders still tell me what to say
But I'll still do it my own way

Approval to be what I be not needed
I'll push buttons - your threats mean nothing
Hope this message has been heeded
Conforming - I find disgusting


Hateful words no longer scar me
Dirty looks don't even phase me
Talk about me behind my back
You know that I'll just laugh

You told me how I had to look and act
It's clear I've ignored you and that's a fact
I can be nothing else but my true self
So you can just go fuck yourself


My whole life - I've been treated like a freak
I'm not affecting your life so what's your beef
I'm gonna die anyway so why do you care
I'm just an artist with lots of flair

You told me how I had to look and act
I'm not gonna stop - wrap your head around that
Gonna do me and if you don't like it
Plain jane bitches - suck my dick

Your approval is not necessary

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm


What up broski - what up broski
You ashy

Millennial Girl you are not like the rest
Next generation girl - simply the best
Sharp around the edge - diamond in the rough
From a Generation X - I hope you feel my love

She scrappy - she happy
You a pedophile - she gonna find you
You gonna disrespect women - she gonna find you
You gonna hate on the gays - she gonna find you
You gonna disrespect anybody - she gonna find you
She gonna fuck you up

Eye make up - perfect
Your beauty - sublime
Millennial Girl - you were born in the wrong time
You a rough as nails bitch - you wanna ride?


You saturate my soul
You light up my life
You tell it like it is - you a tough as nails bitch
With a feminine side - you wanna ride?
You were born in the wrong time

Your makeup is perfect
Your hair so 1990's punk
Sensitive yet wild side
You wanna ride?

A strong B - You test her and you'll see
Test her and you will see
You're gorgeous - you're strong
You're stunning - ahead of your time
But she'll fuck you up

You wanna ride?


From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm


"I think they're prettier in a different context"

A great kid - a wonderful friend
A hard worker and a class clown
That's how friends and loved ones
Are describing you now

Why did you do what you did
You indeed put lives at risk
But your final flight, it went alright
Until it was the time to die

Flew over Puget Sound
Doing barrel rolls before you crashed to the ground
Ya 28 year old who grew up in Alaska
Wish you had another minute more
So I could ask ya

We're from different backgrounds
And different times
We probably wouldn't see eye to eye
But your story - your adventure
It fascinated me
I almost wish it had been me

The water is crashing just like the plane
Ketron Island will never be the same
You made me face my deepest fears
Nothing left but a tsunami of tears

The water is crashing just like the plane
Ketron Island will never be the same
You made me face my deepest fears
Nothing left but a tsunami of tears
Sky King



Hey Beebo - you are the Sky King
Outstanding young man
Just an all American kid
I wish I could ask you - why you did what you did
But I think I understand - I understand

The power - the freedom
The torture - the tears

If the story is indeed not fake news
I'm so jealous of your majestic view
Of the land that I adore the most
Pacific Northwest and the Pacific coast

Eskimo face rush past my roof
I hope that the people you hurt, forgive you
Tsunami of emotion - too strong to overcome

The power - the freedom
The torture - the tears
Rush past me - like lightning
Took control of your destiny
You will always be the Sky King

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

Dedicated to Richard "Beebo"Russell
This song was written with 100% respect
Fly high, Sky King!


I've accepted that this world
Is not what was taught to me
All lies - deception - a matrix - a simulation
The devil has a full grasp
Around the neck of humanity

Poseidon - god of the sea
The earthquakes - storms - horses and me
You're a bad tempered, moody
And vengeful god, when insulted
We have that in common

Poseidon - just end this all
The earth is a lie so flood the stall
Work with yahawah - clean this up
On Satan's flat plane - I've given up

I've lost all perspective - give me a sign
Give me a purpose - before I die
I've been asking for this my whole life
I'm always on my own - please be my guide

Poseidon - just end this please
The Earth is a lie full of disease
Work with Yahawah - clean up this mess
The way things are now - I so detest 

Poseidon - just end this please
The prison planet to the extreme
Use your power - end this pain
Then finally some peace is gained

Yahawah, Yahawashi or Satan
Should I become a Freemason
Life might be better - more money and power
But isn't the afterlife what really matters

Poseidon - take me away
Wash me away in your lavish wave
Poseidon - please drown away
Satan's soul grabbing game

Poseidon - just end this all
The Earth is a lie so flood the stall
Work with Yahawah - clean this up
On Satan's flat plane - I've given up

Poseidon - just end this please
The Earth is a lie full of disease
Work with Yahawah - clean up this mess
The way things are now - I so detest

Yahawah, Yahawashi or Satan
Should I become a Freemason
Life might be better - more money and power
But isn't the afterlife what really matters

I've given up

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm