Tuesday, October 23, 2018


In mid August I should die
Yes indeed - I almost tried
I took on all of your pain and drama
It damaged my body - my soul
I won't do it anymore
The love will never die but now it's all about my life

(chorus 1)
The vicissitude runs rampant through
These old walls
I've always been too quick to forgive
Never seem to get that in return


One single late night was the kicker
Slightly more than just a bicker
You can all complain to me
But I can't complain - hypocrisy

I pretend to be so tough
But finally I told myself
Enough is enough

One day I'll see your corpse and I'll ask why
But I'm too stubborn to just give up and die
I guess I just want a simple life
I keep tryin'
I just want a happy life before I am dyin'

(chorus 1-2)
The vicissitude runs rampant through
These old walls
I've always been too quick to forgive
Never seem to get that in return

The vicissitude of daily life has gotten to me
Should I take my own life
I just want to be free


I need help to fix my crazy
My negativity
But not the kind of help you suggest
Take your own fucking advice, hun

I'm so tired of being angry
I'm tired of being angry
I'm tired

What about my peace - what about my peace
You claim I'm a monster when I speak the truth
The truth you can't handle and deny
Yes - I am angry

(chorus 1-2)

I ain't gonna kill myself
I'm too stubborn for that
That'd give you too much satisfaction
For decades - you used me for all of your
Physical and emotional needs
But when ever I would act out or be emotional
The world would come to an end
Because I upset your peace
They don't know they're doing it - they can't help it
That excuse is wearing paper thin with me
Yes, I'm still angry

(chorus 1-2)

In mid August I wanted to die
Yes indeed I cried and cried

My grandmother once told me
I love them but I don't like them
My grandmother once told me
You can love them but you don't have to like them
I understand now
Still makes me sad

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

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