Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Your approval would be liberating
But it's not necessary

My goal in life is not to seek approval
Your goal in life should be - just do you

Don't waste your time on pleasing the masses
Emphatically tell them to kiss your asses
I don't need your approval

Your approval would be liberating
But your acceptance is not necessary
Your warnings - they have been heeded
But your approval is not needed
I don't need your approval


Elders still tell me what to do
But I'll just do it anyway
Elders still tell me what to say
But I'll still do it my own way

Approval to be what I be not needed
I'll push buttons - your threats mean nothing
Hope this message has been heeded
Conforming - I find disgusting


Hateful words no longer scar me
Dirty looks don't even phase me
Talk about me behind my back
You know that I'll just laugh

You told me how I had to look and act
It's clear I've ignored you and that's a fact
I can be nothing else but my true self
So you can just go fuck yourself


My whole life - I've been treated like a freak
I'm not affecting your life so what's your beef
I'm gonna die anyway so why do you care
I'm just an artist with lots of flair

You told me how I had to look and act
I'm not gonna stop - wrap your head around that
Gonna do me and if you don't like it
Plain jane bitches - suck my dick

Your approval is not necessary

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

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