Tuesday, October 23, 2018


"I think they're prettier in a different context"

A great kid - a wonderful friend
A hard worker and a class clown
That's how friends and loved ones
Are describing you now

Why did you do what you did
You indeed put lives at risk
But your final flight, it went alright
Until it was the time to die

Flew over Puget Sound
Doing barrel rolls before you crashed to the ground
Ya 28 year old who grew up in Alaska
Wish you had another minute more
So I could ask ya

We're from different backgrounds
And different times
We probably wouldn't see eye to eye
But your story - your adventure
It fascinated me
I almost wish it had been me

The water is crashing just like the plane
Ketron Island will never be the same
You made me face my deepest fears
Nothing left but a tsunami of tears

The water is crashing just like the plane
Ketron Island will never be the same
You made me face my deepest fears
Nothing left but a tsunami of tears
Sky King



Hey Beebo - you are the Sky King
Outstanding young man
Just an all American kid
I wish I could ask you - why you did what you did
But I think I understand - I understand

The power - the freedom
The torture - the tears

If the story is indeed not fake news
I'm so jealous of your majestic view
Of the land that I adore the most
Pacific Northwest and the Pacific coast

Eskimo face rush past my roof
I hope that the people you hurt, forgive you
Tsunami of emotion - too strong to overcome

The power - the freedom
The torture - the tears
Rush past me - like lightning
Took control of your destiny
You will always be the Sky King

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

Dedicated to Richard "Beebo"Russell
This song was written with 100% respect
Fly high, Sky King!

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