Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Here comes the S-wave
Here comes the P-wave

The birds have stopped singing
My ears are ringing

(chorus 1)
10.5 - in my mind
10.5 - here comes the landslide


I'm aware - I'm responsible for my own actions
But there's a reason I have these actions
Action equals reaction
it's a sin - we could have been so productive
When will it end - your crazy is so destructive

(chorus 2)
10.9 - in my mind
10.9 - here comes the landslide
10.9 - in my mind
10.9 - there's nowhere to hide


There's nowhere to hide from your 10.9

Here it comes
Another one of your psychotic fits
The chandelier is rocking back and forth
The windows (like my soul) have smashed to bits

I worked so hard - I tried to hard
To make us a happy life
But nothing was good enough for you
So here comes the landslide

(chorus 3)
12.5 - in my mind
13.5 - here comes the landslide
15.5 - in my mind
20.5 - there's nowhere to hide

Total destruction

From the Jonsona album - Wind On The Water
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

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